What is FixSchoolDiscipline.org?

Welcome to FixSchoolDiscipline.org!

We’re a website that’s exposing the alarming overuse of harsh discipline in California schools. Did you know California schools issued 2 million suspensions in the last three years alone? That’s almost 700,000 every year, in a state that has 6 million students.

Research clearly shows that harsh approaches to misbehavior don’t keep schools safer or help students succeed. Join the growing number of Californians who say it’s time to fix harsh school discipline.

While you’re here, you can find out more about the problem with harsh and punitive school discipline in California schools. Then you can join students, parents, educators, judges, law enforcement leaders and other who want to fix it.

This year California lawmakers have introduced bills that will address some of the worst problems with discipline rules. Click here to learn more and take action.

Let’s fix it!

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