Our webinar library is sorted by topic below:
Let’s Fix School Discipline Webinar
In this webinar, Sarah Omojola of Public Counsel will lead you through a hands-on introduction to all the free tools available to California educators, students and parents through our How We Can Fix School Discipline Toolkit. Sarah is an education advocate and former teacher who understands the law and the challenges facing teachers and administrators.
LA County Juvenile Ticket Amnesty Webinar
In December 2015, LA County Juvenile Presiding Judge Levanas ordered amnesty for almost all juvenile infractions issued before the closure of the Informal Juvenile Traffic Court (IJTC) in 2012. Labor Community Strategy Center, Youth Justice Coalition, and Public Counsel advocated for this amnesty after supporting hundreds of young people in clearing old tickets.
Charter Schools
AB 1360: California’s New Charter School Fair Admissions and Due Process Law
On October 13, 2017, Governor Brown signed AB 1360 into law. The new law took effect on January 1, 2018 and makes clear what charter school operators must do to ensure equal admissions access and disciplinary due process for all students.
Ensuring Fair Admissions and Disciplinary Due Process in Charter Schools will discuss changes in the law under AB 1360 and answer your questions about how charter schools can ensure equal admissions access and disciplinary due process for all students.
Charter School Accountability
On March 5, 2019, Governor Newsom signed SB 126 into law, requiring charter school governing boards to comply with a variety of the same open meeting, conflict-of-interest, and disclosure laws as traditional school district governing boards. California Charter School Accountability discusses changes in the law under SB 126, AB 1360, and discusses the need for greater accountability and transparency for Charter Schools using specific case examples. Presenters will provide recommendations for advocates, families, charter school authorizers and charter school board members.
Law Enforcement
Your Child’s Right to Stay In School: What You Need to Know
An interactive webinar for parents, youth, and those who support them about students’ rights in school discipline. Learn about the legal protections for students, including those with special needs, and how to advocate for yourself or your child. Find out more about strong alternatives to class and school removal that hold students accountable while also helping improve school success.
CA School Safety Toolkit Webinar
This free webinar will introduce participants to the research evidence behind effective school safety approaches, review information on how the School Safety Toolkit was pilot-tested in California, and walk through the implementation process of the Toolkit itself.
Mapping The School To Prison Pipeline
Do you want to fully understand how the school-to-prison pipeline operates cyclically and how a student’s suspension can lead to involvement with law enforcement and stalled social mobility?
Tia Martinez, Forward Change Consulting, and Sarah Omojola, Public Counsel and FixSchoolDiscipline.org, present “Mapping the School-to-Prison Pipeline.” This webinar will answer your questions about how out-of-school punishments can result in involvement with the criminal justice system, have health implications, and contribute to intergenerational poverty. This webinar uses data to provide a unique and detailed picture of how students and communities, especially those of color, are affected by punitive education policies.
Fixing School Discipline with LCFF
This webinar explores California’s Local Control Funding Formula, or LCFF. The new law promises to transform schools with resources for young people who most often face the negative impact of harsh school discipline, including foster youth, English language learners, and students from high-poverty areas. Find out how LCFF can promote alternatives to harsh school discipline. Learn what the changes will mean for schools and how educators can help reduce student suspensions to increase learning and improve student outcomes.
Leveraging the California School Dashboard and LCAPs to Strengthen School Climate
This webinar features (1) Fight Crime: Invest in Kids’ latest annual analysis of how the state’s 50 largest school districts address school climate in their LCAPs, highlighting effective use of the California School Dashboard, and (2) local perspectives from advocates working in East Side Union High School District (San Jose) and Santa Ana Unified School.
It features experts Brian Lee from Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Laura Kanter, Director of Policy, Advocacy and Youth, Programs, LGBT Center OC & Member, Santa Ana USD School Climate Committee, and Albert Tobias, Organizer at Californians for Justice.
Real Results: Creating a Data-Driven LCAP to Support Discipline Reform
This webinar explores how to get real results in discipline reform using Data-Driven LCAP. What does the latest research tell us about the effects of punitive discipline and the impact of evidence-based interventions in California? How can you use this information to create an LCAP that is directed at improving outcomes for your district’s most vulnerable students?
The UCLA Civil Rights Project, Fight Crime Invest in Kids, and Public Counsel discuss how school discipline is affecting your district; how to use the new California School Dashboard to improve discipline outcomes; what the most accurate measures of progress are; and how you can impact your district’s 2017-2020 LCAP to improve student outcomes.
Racial Bias and Discrimination
Evaluating District Discipline Reform Efforts in California
This webinar presents data on the best practices for measuring progress on discipline reform efforts in California’s districts which were developed as part of the CCRR’s report, “Disabling Inequity: The Urgent Need for Race-Conscious Resource Remedies” released in June 2020. It addresses the concerns regarding excessive discipline in alternative schools and presents preliminary findings of the 2019-2020 data released by the California Department of Education.
Dismantling Bias: Tools for the Classroom
In this interactive webinar, Chris Bridges, Zabrina Aleguire and Dr. Jason Okonofua build on social science insights about implicit bias to introduce emerging research into techniques that mitigate and reduce effects of bias in the classroom.
The presentation opens with an overview of implicit bias concepts and research, applying those insights to patterns of racially disproportionate impact in various settings including school discipline. Dr. Jason Okonofua, a professor at University of California Berkeley, then discusses research findings regarding techniques that may be used in the classroom that reduce the use of suspension and hold particularly significant improvement for students of color.
Participatory Action Research: Understanding your Districts Discipline Data
What are the opportunities to use data for greater leverage toward systemic change? Join us for a dialogue that complicates our relationship with data and goes beyond traditional inquiries into just the numbers. Centering CADRE’s work with parents in South LA, we will explore participatory action research that analyses implementation, how data in the hands of the community builds power, and what responsibilities we have when using data in our advocacy.
‘Situating Educational Advocacy and Monitoring within a Human Rights Framework
A quality education is a human right all students deserve. The education system’s role serves as a social reproductive process that is both oppressive and liberating for marginalized communities. Centering educational advocacy as a human right is the aim of the FSD coalition.
Institutionalized Racism and Inequity: ‘Turning the Mirror Inward’ In Your District
Racial inequity and institutionalized racism manifest across systems, including in education, juvenile justice, health, and child welfare. When Joyce James became the head of the State of Texas’s Child Protective Services Program, she introduced a model to examine and address the disproportionate number of African American and Native American children in the Texas Foster Care System. The model included the examination of disproportionality in other systems, including education.
Restorative Justice & Restorative Practices
Restorative Justice in Schools: Highlights of Research and Practice in the U.S.
Partner Webinar
In this webinar, Anthony Petrosino and Sarah Guckenburg, Senior Research Associates at WestEd, describe their research on restorative justice in U.S. schools. They conducted interviews with over 40 experts in the field, surveyed over 150 practitioners nationwide, and conducted a comprehensive literature review. Their research goals were to learn about current practices, essential elements of implementation, and provide recommendations for future research on restorative justice in K-12 settings.
Putting it Together Integrating Best Practices
This webinar features Placer County Director of Interagency Facilitation Michael Lombardo, San Francisco Unified Safe and Supportive Coaches Jenny Gibson and Jordan Paxhia, and Sarah Omojola, Public Counsel Statewide Education Rights Advocate talking about the best practices for integrating the implementation of Restorative Practices, School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, and Social-Emotional Learning within a school, across a district, or throughout a county.
School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Putting it Together Integrating Best Practices
This webinar features Placer County Director of Interagency Facilitation Michael Lombardo, San Francisco Unified Safe and Supportive Coaches Jenny Gibson and Jordan Paxhia, and Sarah Omojola, Public Counsel Statewide Education Rights Advocate talking about the best practices for integrating the implementation of Restorative Practices, School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, and Social-Emotional Learning within a school, across a district, or throughout a county.
Participatory Action Research: Understanding your Districts Discipline Data
What are the opportunities to use data for greater leverage toward systemic change? Join us for a dialogue that complicates our relationship with data and goes beyond traditional inquiries into just the numbers. Centering CADRE’s work with parents in South LA, we will explore participatory action research that analyses implementation, how data in the hands of the community builds power, and what responsibilities we have when using data in our advocacy.
Social Emotional Learning
Putting it Together Integrating Best Practices
This webinar features Placer County Director of Interagency Facilitation Michael Lombardo, San Francisco Unified Safe and Supportive Coaches Jenny Gibson and Jordan Paxhia, and Sarah Omojola, Public Counsel Statewide Education Rights Advocate talking about the best practices for integrating the implementation of Restorative Practices, School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, and Social-Emotional Learning within a school, across a district, or throughout a county.
Trauma Sensitive Strategies
Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in School Discipline
Research shows adverse childhood experiences and trauma are related to school drop out, particularly for children of color. Learning social emotional skills helps students succeed in school and life. This Fix School Discipline webinar focuses on fostering students’ strength to overcome trauma and violence. Instead of saying “what is wrong with you?” educators can learn to ask “what has happened to you?”